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Friday, April 1, 2011

Fw: Oath Keeping At The ATF

--- On Fri, 4/1/11, Oath Keepers <> wrote:

From: Oath Keepers <>
Subject: Oath Keeping At The ATF
Date: Friday, April 1, 2011, 12:37 PM

Oath Keeping At The ATF

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Below is Elias' article on the ATF "gunwalker" scandal, lauding the whistle-blowing AFT agents.  In response to the article, frequent commenter Remember the Alamo asked a very good question:


"Where does the U.S. Constitution delegate to the federal government via the United States Department of Treasury and its Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives the power to regulate the use alcohol, tobacco, firearms, and explosives in the individual sovereign states of the United States?"


My response:  Nowhere. And that is why I have a problem with calling any ATF agent an "oath keeper" of any kind. Frankly, to truly keep their oaths, they would have to resign.  And not only is there no such power granted, it is also in direct violation of the Second Amendment, since what the ATF doees EVERY DAY is certainly an infringement of our right to bear arms. 

As Elias amply illustrates in his article, the ATF's job is to harrass, snare, entrap, and imprison as many gun owners as they possibly can, and that is what they do all the time (and at times, such "law enforcement" results in the deaths of people who's only "crime" was to own items that Hoplophobes fear and hate).  See the Olofson case (in that case, I helped write an amicus brief to the US Supreme Court, pointing out the absurdity ATF's Alice in Wonderland shifting definition of what is a full auto that would find even a malfunctioning double barrel shotgun or malfunctioning single action revolver from the 1800's to be a "full-auto" if, while malfunctioning, they fired more than one shot per trigger pull).


Out of respect for Elias, who is a heck of a researcher and writer, and a friend, I didn't monkey with or edit his piece, but I had to add this comment.  While I congratulate the whistle-blower agents on their courage and integrity in blowing the whistle, and I hope more federal agents do the same across the board, I must point out the obvious contradiction of their job with their oath. What they did is worthy of praise, but they do need to think hard about what it is they do for a job, everyday, in light of that sacred oath they swore to support and defend the Constitution.  And then, as Jesus told the harlot, go and sin no more!


Stewart Rhodes, Founded of Oath Keepers  


We encourage all readers, and all Oath Keepers members and supporters, to contact their US Representatives and Senators and demand that they support hearings, and also let them know we want to see the resignation of the head of the ATF and of Holder, and we want to know what Obama knew, and when.


ATF Deals Death In Massive False-Flag Psy-Op

Elias Alias - Oath Keepers


Blow-Back's A Bitch



What would take the average writer an afternoon has taken me well over a week. Yet I must acknowledge that this story is breaking like storm waves on the government's beach, and every time I think I've got the story covered another breaking wave of new developments hits home hard. Suffice, that this story is going to "grow legs", with much credit to CBS's Sharyl Attkisson.


As I write tonight, Thursday, March 24, 2011, I've viewed a video of President Obama discussing this case with a Mexican journalist. He used the interview like a pick-me-up photo-op as he slyly got in a plug for the Security and Prosperity Partnership, and boldly confronted reality with a Presidential air of denial. Although he did not use the term Security and Prosperity Partnership, the language was the same.




Attorney General Eric Holder is under the heat-lamp, and so is head of Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Janet Napolitano. Not to mention every salty dog atop the ATF's hierarchy of internal power, the big-wigs of America's most rogue Federal enforcement agency, the allegedly brilliant but certainly power-damaged minds of ATF's leadership.  This story is going to grow and spread universally, and its gravity is more than significant. It is a scandal of extreme proportions, enough-so that the President is now asserting that neither he nor Attorney General Eric Holder was aware of this massive criminal ploy by ATF.  So as readers dive in below, recall that this is just an accounting of facts I've gathered as of March 24, 2011. I'll give links to a couple of the original timelines by David Codrea and Mike Vanderboegh below.


At the ATF's Group VII Gunrunner operation in Phoenix, Arizona, (codenamed "Fast And Furious"), there has been some dissension within the ranks.  What could be bothering the troops - what could possibly cause dissension? It must have something to do with their job. Are some of them listening too closely to their consciences, while others operate by the hardened hearts produced by government training programs? ATF training involves use of violent force which may be lawfully applied upon free American citizens.  Do the agents expressing dissent object to certain ATF policies? Are they worried that the ATF has been knowingly furnishing firearms to the Mexican drug cartels? To see, let us begin with a look at the message sent by email from the group leader to his "boots on the ground" ATF agents at Phoenix. Here is the supervisor of the ATF Phoenix Group VII, writing by email to his agents.

- It has been brought to my attention that there may be a schism developing amongst the group.  Whether you care or not people of high rank and authority at HQ are paying close attention to this case and they also believe we [Phoenix Group VII] are doing what they envision the Southwest border groups doing.  It may sound cheesy but we are "The tip of the ATF spear" when it comes to Southwest Border Firearms Trafficking.  We need to resolve our issues at this meeting. I'll be damned if this case is going to suffer due to petty arguing, rumors or other adolescent behavior. I don't know what all the issues are but we are all adults, we are all professionals and we have the exciting opportunity to use the biggest tool in our law enforcement toolbox. If you don't think this is fun you're in the wrong line of work - period! This is the pinnacle of domestic U.S. Law enforcement techniques. After this the tool box is empty. Maybe the Maricopa County Jail is hiring detention officers and you can get paid $30,000 (instead of $100,000) to serve lunch to inmates all day. We need to get over this bump in the road once and for all and get on with the mission at hand. This can be the most fun you have with ATF, the only one limiting the amount of fun we have is you.

David Voth, Group Supervisor, Phoenix Group VII

That email has been preserved by CBS news and others.  You can see the pdf here: 


So what might be the problem?


The problem is that the ATF has been caught placing thousands of guns into the hands of the Mexican drug smuggling cartels.  And other characters of interest. It's safe to say that that is indeed a problem.


The first symptom of the problem arose when some of the ATF's agents in Group VII felt like doing a little bit of old fashioned Oath keeping. Some of the agents and officers saw something very ugly about the ATF helping the Mexican cartels obtain powerful weapons - lots of weapons, with lots of ammo.

You're reading this correctly - The ATF has helped "straw buyers" purchase weapons here in the United States and has made notes about the purchases, but the ATF also has allowed the straw buyers to move those guns into Mexico, knowing they would end up in criminal hands.  Remarkable, that. But it's deeper than just that.


Read entire article at Oath Keepers, please click here   

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